Michael Davis

Michael Rolland Davis is president of Ivory Classics, a distinguished and respected record label catering to the finest in classical music. He also produced many of the CDs that featured vurtuoso pianist Earl Wild. After Wild died, Davis completed Wild's fascinating and over 700 page memoir, "A Walk On The Wild Side."  Often called "The last of the Romantics" by critics, Wild's first hand accounts of the greatest artists of our time is a "must" and a credit to Davis who compiled it all.

Charities and Causes

ACT for MS

Please Suport this organization by clicking the logo above and giving a donation or your time.  ACT for MS provides programs and services for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis that live in the Coachella Valley. Programs and services are free to insure that all can participate without having to eliminate or reduce vital needs such as housing, food, utilities, etc.


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