Exploring the Arts Videos

Exploring The Arts - Devoted to the finest in performing and visual arts throughout Southern California with emphasis on the Southern California desert. Television’s half hour in depth look at the exploding arts scene is hosted and produced by award winning journalist Gloria Greer. . It is shot entirely on location at museums, performing arts centers, art galleries, and private homes. KVCR TV can be found in Palm Springs and adjoining cities in the Coachella Valley on Time Warner Cable, channel 9. It is also available in other cities and counties throughout Southern California and is transmitted on Dish, and Direct TV under local channel options. If you do not have Time Warner Cable, Desert Cities PBS is available on verizon & DIGITAL HD 24.1 KVCR TV reaches over 5 million households in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, nearly all of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, and large portion of Ventura County.


Exploring the Arts


Charities and Causes

ACT for MS

Please Suport this organization by clicking the logo above and giving a donation or your time.  ACT for MS provides programs and services for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis that live in the Coachella Valley. Programs and services are free to insure that all can participate without having to eliminate or reduce vital needs such as housing, food, utilities, etc.


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